Continuing our thoughts on worship from last Lord's day... There is always a question as to what we do when we get here. Peter begins to answer that question in 1 Pet. 2:5, "You also as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Christ Jesus."
Some building is no longer the house of God as under the law. Christians'hearts are where God now dwells,. In other words, Christians become the "place" where worship takes place. It comes from within us. Paul says we are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:9,16). So, God's presence is now in us, not a structure.
Next, Peter tells us we are the priesthood today. If you go back and read about priests under the law, they were active during worship. As God's priests today, we are to actively join the worship instead of simply watching.
Worship is about God; we "offer" it to Him when we worship.
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder
2-9-20 - Bible Study
2-9-20 - Sunday Morning Worship
2-12-20 Wednesday Evening Bible Study
5. Bible Lands Museum - Ancient Pottery - World Video Bible School