Mustard Seed Ministry
This program is designed for the kids in kindergarten through 8th grade. The program is broken down into 4 areas, but only 2 are starting now. The service and workshop areas will be phased in this summer. Please encourage your kids to participate as much as possible.
At Home:
The at home program is designed to help everyone learn more about the Bible through a set of milestones. When a milestone is met, let Jeremy or Erin know and it will be recorded. Twice each year, there will be a banquet after church to honor anyone who as hit a milestone in that 6 month period. The milestones are:
Scripture memorization - each scripture memorized and recited will be recorded for the child. At 10, 20, 30, etc., the milestone will be recognized on the bulletin boards and at the banquet.
Books of the Bible - when a child can recite the Old Testament books and/or New Testament books the milestone will be recognized on the bulletin boards and at the banquet.
Read the Bible - this milestone is open to everyone in the church. If you read through the entire Bible in a year, we want to recognize this accomplishment at the banquet, as well. So, please let us know!
The third Sunday night of every month, kids in kindergarten through 8th grade will have a special class to teach them the different roles in the church. There will be a class for the boys to learn and practice leading the worship services. The girls class will help them learn the roles for women in the church. We will need a man and a woman to sign up each month to lead these classes. Please sign up on the bulletin. The night of the banquet, the boys in the program will be conducting the services.

Boys learning how to lead songs 2016 .