Throughout most of Ecclesiastes, Solomon is extremely critical of life as he knew it. Seems he missed the point of his life. Instead of all about himself, life was to be much more. It was to be about God. Solomon finally got the point. He wrote in Eccl. 12:13, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of Man.
The same is true today as it was in Solomon's day--we are to be about doing God's will. Only by living this way can we avoid the sins that take one away from God. Putting God first in all things in life is the only way to fulfill our purpose, and to find joy and happiness in life.
Sadly, so many today have not learned this lesson, and daily they suffer in some way for their lack of understanding. Happiness comes from pleasing God.
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder
9-8-19 - Bible Study
9-8-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
9-11-19 Wednesday Evening Bible Study
2. Truth Be Told - Dinosaurs: The Poster Child of Evolution (Part 1) - World Video Bible School