The writer of Psalms 91 begins by using several descriptive terms for God. We read in Ps. 91:1-2, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refute and my fortress, My God, in Him I will trust."
First, the term "Most High" is used. The term is from royalty where the ruler sits in the highest position. God is Most High, because He is exalted above all in Heaven and on Earth.
Second, the term "Almighty" appears. This is an early term for God addressing His absolute and complete power. There is no one who does what God does.
Third, the term "The Lord" appears. This comes from the divine name of God, Yahweh, meaning the "One Who Is". God is the only and true God, and His name reflects that.
Finally, "God" is used. This word means "Powerful One". God has demonstrated His power through the years.
We should always respect God's name, and only use it in respect.
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder
9-22-19 - Bible Study
9-22-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
9-25-19 Wednesday Evening Bible Study
4. Truth Be Told - Evolutionary Hoaxes - World Video Bible School