In wisdom literature, Solomon addresses wives several times. One needs to understand, in the ancient world, women did not hold a high place of esteem. So, what Solomon was inspired to write is interesting.
First, in Prov. 18:22, Solomon writes, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the Lord." In the beginning, God created Eve to be a "helper" for Adam (Gen. 2:18). So, Solomon writes the man who has such a helper is blessed by God.
Second, Solomon writes in Prov. 19:14, "...but a prudent wife is from the Lord." A prudent woman is a careful manager. She is one who takes care of household matters effectively. This is a great aid to her husband.
Third, Solomon writes in Prov. 12:4, "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband..." The good helper is like a crown on her husband's head. Good wives generally make better men out of their husbands.
Happy Mother's Day
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder
5-12-19 - Bible Study
5-12-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
5-15-19 Wednesday Evening Bible Study
2. Is the Bible Reliable? Interpretation Principles (Part 1) - World Video Bible School