God intended the repeating of the gospel should have a human element. We read in 2 Cor. 4:17, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." This is proven by the book of Acts (the book of conversions).
The first example is found in Acts 8. It would have been easier for the angel to teach the man from Ethiopia the gospel than for Philip to travel to meet him, but God wanted a human agent to share the word.
The second example is found in Acts 9. Jesus appeared to Saul, and He could have told him what to do, but Saul was sent to Damascus to meet Ananias, who told him. Again, God wanted a human agent.
The third example is in Acts 10. Again, the angel could have told Cornelius what to do, but he was told to send for Peter. Once again, God wanted a human agent.
Perhaps you are God's human agent for someone needing the gospel.
Billy Watkins - Minister/Elder
4-14-19 - Bible Study
4-14-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
3-27-19 - Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Answering Atheism: 4. The Biblical View of Women - World Video Bible School