We live in a busy world. So many activities demand our attention. Many families are running from one activity to another, and the entire family is tired. In all of this rushing about, individuals can lose sight of God.
So, how does one regain the focus on God? The Bible gives an answer in Ps. 46, "Be still and know that I am God. "We need to stop running about, sit down, and focus on God. We need to set aside time each day when we can focus on God. We can focus on God through Bible study, meditation, and prayer.
Through Bible Study, we allow God to speak to us. In meditation, we think about the wonderful workings of God. In prayer, we talk to God. All three activities are necessary to build a relationship with God. And, we need to do this every day.
So, set aside a time and place where you can be still and know God better.
Billy Watkins - Minister/Elder
2-3-19 - Bible Study
2-3-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
2-6-19 Wednesday Evening
Session 5 - World Video Bible School