If you are trying to buy the perfect gift for someone, you are going to fail. The best, most perfect gift was given by God years ago. it was His perfect son, Jesus Christ. Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 9:15 "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"
The gift of Jesus gives us life instead of death. The gift of Jesus gives us a new way of living now. The gift of Jesus gives us hope of eternal life.
Most gifts we give last only a short time, but God's lasts more than a lifetime. Most gifts cost us. This gift was freely given.
So, if you have folks on your list who are not Christians, there is no better gift for you to give them than to tell them about Jesus. In that way, you could give the best gift.
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder
12-8-19 - Bible Study
12-8-19 - Sunday Morning Worship
12-11-19 Wednesday Evening Bible Study
3. Is the Bible from God - The Bible and Archaeology - World Video Bible School