The early church spent a lot of time together (Ac. 2:44, 4:23, 5:42, 12:5). This was an important element in the unity of the early church. Because time together was important to early Christians, it should be important to Christians today.
What can time together do for Christians? Well, we can get to know each other better, and as a result, minster to each other better. It is difficult to minister to the needs of a stranger, but if we spend time together, we can really get to know each other.
Spending time together allows us to work with each other more. The various work efforts (VBS, Trunk-or-Treat, building cleaning days, Benevolence, etc.), offer a time to visit and learn each other.
Spending time together can be in fellowship and simply enjoying being with one another. No pressure, simply spending time together.
In the new year, let us all spend more time together.
Billy Watkins, Minister/Elder